Thank you!!

Thank you for all the wonderful memories photographing your families. I will miss you all. It was a great 11 years! Time for me to do something different. Keep in touch.

Referral Program-South Jersey Family Photographer

I’ve been thinking alot about how I can thank all of my wonderful clients for getting me off to a great start. I’ve been looking into implementing a client referral program for awhile so there is no time like the present. Here is how it works:

It is very simple…. Every time you refer someone to me and they book a session (*the session must take place), you receive a $50 print credit. Refer 2 people , get $100 credit. Once you refer 3 people, you don’t just get a $50 print credit, you receive a FREE session as well. Plus you still have $150 print credit to use. How cool is that?!

The other great news is your friends will receive a $25 print credit on their order.

The only rule is you must use your credits within 1 year. You will each receive some wallets with a picture from your session to use to hand out to friends and family. If you need more, just let me know. Have your friends bring those wallets with them to their session to get credit.

Let me know if you have any questions.
